International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 3 Issue 4


Table of contents

Measuring Service Quality in the Car Service Industry: Building and Testing an Instrument

Marcel Bouman, Ton van der Wiele

Service quality is becoming an important issue for Dutch carservice firms. In order to measure the service quality delivereddevelops an instrument based on the quality dimensions…


Service Breakdowns: A Study of Critical Incidents in an Airline

Bo Edvardsson

Presents the results of an empirical study of critical incidents inan airline. Describes and analyses service breakdowns from thecustomers′ point of view and thus creates a basis…


The Changing Lending Role of Managers in the Financial Services Sector

Mark Hughes

The research aimed to identify the form which technological andorganizational change in the lending role of managers had taken and therationale for such changes. The methodology…


Power, Conflict and Co‐operation in Brewer‐Tenant Distribution Channels

David Shipley, Colin Egan

Hostile environmental developments are requiring British brewingcompanies to reshape their archaic distribution strategies. Examinesperceptions of the relationships existing…


Factory Focus in Hospital‐owned Ambulatory Surgery

Shitao Yang, Curtis P. McLaughlin, Robert W. Vaughan, John J. Aluise

Uses a professional services setting to study the concept offactory focus. The rapid growth in the US of ambulatory surgery centres(surgicentres) provides an evolving illustration…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited