International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 3 Issue 3
Table of contents
Carlzon′s Moments of Truth – A Critical Appraisal
K.J. BloisReviews Jan Carlzon′s Moments of Truth, identifying thosefeatures which are distinctive, those which have received academicattention and those which appear worthy of further…
A Service Quality Model Based on an Ideal Value Standard
Jan MattssonThe delivery of quality in goods and services has recently become amarketing priority. Marketers of services experience difficulty inunderstanding and controlling quality…
Attributes of Service Quality: The Consumers′ Perspective
Tigineh Mersha, Veena AdlakhaExamines the assessment of service quality as perceived byconsumers. Identifies and ranks the attributes for good and poor qualityof five selected types of services. The five…
The Neglected Service Industries of Eastern Europe: Some Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects
Richard F. NichollsThe service industries of Eastern Europe were subjected to seriousneglect during the Socialist period, some of them more than others.Provides various reasons for this…
Towards a Classification of Service Processes
Rhian Silvestro, Lin Fitzgerald, Robert Johnston, Christopher VossOver the years manufacturing managers have been unified by theiracceptance of certain terminology to describe generic productionprocesses. This has facilitated the sharing of…