International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 2 Issue 2
Table of contents
Expanding the Role of CSM in Total Quality
Lawrence A. CrosbyCustomer satisfaction measurement (CSM) should be central to thetotal quality improvement process within service‐oriented firms. Anormative framework is described that contains a…
Priorities in Services Marketing
Christopher J. Easingwood, David C. ArnottAn attempt is made to identify those areas of marketing activity inthe services sector that deserve to be given priority attention. Anumber of marketing areas are identified and…
Intrinsic Service Quality Determinants for Pharmacy Customers
Maj‐Britt Hedvall, Mikael PaltschikService quality has been in the research limelight for some years.The discussion of service quality concepts is continued here. Using datafrom pharmacy customers, a four‐concept…
Risk Management in a Service Business
Kenneth W. Hollman, Jack E. ForrestService businesses, like product manufacturers, face lossexposures‐sets of circumstances that could give rise to losses. Thelosses may never occur, but the firm must plan for the…