International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 12 Issue 2
Table of contents
Modeling relationship strength across service types in an Eastern culture
Paul G. Patterson, Tasman SmithThis study examines for the first time, antecedents of relationship commitment in service industries in an Eastern cultural context. The study investigates the reasons for…
ISO 9000 and quality emphasis ‐ An empirical study of front‐room versus back‐room dominant service industries
Gavin Dick, Kevin Gallimore, Jane C. BrownThis paper seeks to illuminate how the emphasis on quality dimensions differs in service firms dependent on the size of their back‐room activity. It examines how that emphasis…
A perspective on client productivity in business‐to‐business consulting services
Claude R. Martin, David A. Horne, Winnie S. ChanFocuses on the client in a management consulting relationship. Argues that any measure of service productivity must include some component that focues on the client side of the…
Perceived uncertainty in self‐managed service teams: an empirical assessment
Ad de Jong, Ko de Ruyter, Sandra Streukens, Hans OuwerslootThis empirical study examines the impact of context‐team factors and team‐employee factors on perceived uncertainty in self‐managed service teams. The results of our study show…
Customer adoption of e‐service: an experimental study
Ko de Ruyter, Martin Wetzels, Mirella KleijnenSo far, the term e‐commerce has been primarily associated with communicating the brand and/or enabling sales transactions. However, the next vista for companies operating in the…