International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 11 Issue 5


Table of contents

Patient satisfaction with medical encounters – a cross‐cultural perspective

Kathryn Frazer Winsted

Examines behaviors of doctors that influence patient evaluation of medical encounters. It examines these behaviors in both the USA and Japan and compares the findings. A list of…


Quality of work life and performance – An ad hoc investigation of two key elements in the service profit chain model

R.S.M. Lau

Service profit chain is a well‐received model to explain the sustainable competitiveness of many service organizations. The model attributes a service organization’s financial and…


Using service quality data for competitive marketing decisions

Roland T. Rust, Peter J. Danaher, Sajeev Varki

Although there have been many research articles about how to measure service quality, how service quality perceptions are formed, what effect service quality has on behavior, and…


Switching costs, alternative attractiveness and experience as moderators of relationship commitment in professional, consumer services

Neeru Sharma, Paul G. Patterson

To date, empirical and conceptual models of relationship marketing have focused almost exclusively on a range of direct antecedents and mediator variables to explain variations in…


A customer‐service worker relationship model

Liliana L. Bove, Lester W. Johnson

True loyalty, defined by a high relative attitude in addition to high repeat purchase, is an extremely valuable asset to the service firm – as the customer’s search motivation for…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited