International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 10 Issue 2
Table of contents
Internal service recovery: developing a new construct
David E. Bowen, Robert JohnstonThis paper introduces the concept of “internal service recovery” defined as what the organisation does to make internal customers (front‐line employees), who have recovered…
Profitability and customer satisfaction in services: An integrated perspective between marketing and cost management analysis
Antonella Carù, Antonella CuginiThe work suggests a defining approach aimed at understanding the relations between client satisfaction and business profitability, with specific reference to services management…
Capital and other inputs in the production of services: What impact on service relationships?
Jean‐Claude DelaunayProduction of services requires the use of equipment and raw materials. It seems difficult, however, to study the connection between these devices and production of services…
Waiting for service: ten years of empirical research
Agnès Durrande‐MoreauThe problem of waiting is important in service activities, when customers are passive, often standing in a queue. This paper reviews 18 published empirical studies to identify…
Differentiating service tasks for IT application: An exploratory analysis in financial services
Paul MulliganThis research investigates the study of service operations and information technology (IT) in order to observe the interaction between these two constructs. Phase I utilizes a…
The strategic role of unused service capacity
Irene C.L. Ng, Jochen Wirtz, Khai Sheang LeeServices are by nature perishable. As such, managing a service firm’s capacity to match supply and demand has been touted as one of the key problems of services marketing and…
Optimal service design: integrating marketing and operations perspectives
Madeleine E. Pullman, William L. MooreThis paper develops an optimal service design model by combining a conjoint analysis‐based optimal product design model from marketing with capacity and demand management…