International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 1 Issue 1
Table of contents
Service Management: A Management Focus for Service Competition
Christian GronroosIn most western economies at least, both service firms andmanufacturers of goods are facing a new type of competition, which hasbeen emerging over the last decade or so. The…
Service Typologies: A Transaction Modelling Approach
Ray M. HaynesMost services rely on a realātime transaction between provider andcustomer. The nature of this interaction determines an immediate qualityperception of the service by the user. In…
A Synthesised Service Quality Model with Managerial Implications
Andrew A. Brogowicz, Linda M. Delene, David M. LythA synthesised service quality model with managerial implications ispresented. This synthesised model is based on the works of the Nordicand the North American schools of service…
Measuring Productivity in Services
Curtis P. McLaughlin, Sydney CoffeyThe wide variety of productivity measurement methods available foruse in services is reviewed. The diversity of the service industries hasmeant that each field has developed its…
Revitalising Service Innovations
Stephen W. Brown, Ray M. Haynes, Donald L. SaundersService innovations require a revitalising process to be viableover time. Both provider and customer satisfaction must be associatedwith these innovations to assure their…