The TQM Magazine: Volume 6 Issue 2


Table of contents

TQM and Re‐engineering: The Battle for the Organization of Tomorrow

John O. Burdett

Looks at how some organizations are turning away from total qualitymanagement (TQM) and looking in another direction to solve theirproblems. The new concept is “re‐engineering”…


Service Level Agreements: Panacea or Pain?

Andrew N. Hiles

Explains what a service level agreement (SLA) is and describes thebenefits of an SLA both as a catalyst to service management and todelivering appropriate, cost‐effective service…


Putting the Customer First: Royal Mail’s Strategy for Service Excellence

Colin Wood, Paul Walker

Describes how Royal Mail recognized the need to embark on a totalquality programme to improve the service given and to upgrade customerperception of Royal Mail. Shows how Royal…


Improving Your Key Business Processes

Christopher R. Jones

Discusses how Unisys Ltd in the UK and other leading companies arefinding that performance measuring and improving key business processesform a vital part of a company‐wide…


TQM and Health Care: An Evolution in the Way That Work Is Done

Harvey Dershin

Uses the example of a craftworker to illustrate high quality productionand to emphasize the essential elements in such a process of beingcustomer‐focused, having customized…


Total Quality and the Human Resource Professional

Paul Herbig, Fred Palumbo, Bradley S. O’Hara

Interest in the total quality (TQ) concept has been gaining considerablemomentum within North America. Total quality, which is founded on thebelief that organizations can succeed…


Process Improvements through Benchmarking

B. Mustafa Pulat

In the last three years, benchmarking has made its mark in the list ofmajor process and product improvement tools. Those who are interestedin process design and improvement may…


Supplier Audits as Part of a Supplier Partnership

Andrew G. Saunders

Where material and component suppliers are regarded as partners in theactivity of satisfying customers, the adversarial approach to supplierauditing is not appropriate. Describes…


The Quality Dimension as a New Element of the Organizational Behaviour Model

Ronald P. Anjard

Discusses how in today’s dynamic world of paradigms, quality and TQM,attempts are made to understand organizational behaviour. Discusses thetraditional 2D model of quality versus…


Japan – Myth, Miracle or Menace?

Murray Duffin

Discusses aspects of the Japanese economic miracle, where industry andbusiness are seen as superior in quality. Argues, briefly, thatWesterners fail to understand Japanese…


The Adoption of Total Quality Management in Scotland

Barry Witcher

Many organizations and companies claim to “have TQM”. Details acollaboration between Scottish Enterprise, the Scottish Quality Networkand the Centre for Quality and Organization…


The Implementation of Total Quality Management in Small and Medium‐sized Manufacturing Companies

P.L. Goh, K. Ridgway

Presents the results of a study which examines the implementation ofTotal Quality Management in small and medium‐sized manufacturingcompanies. The study is based on personal…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged from:

Training for Quality