Soldering & Surface Mount Technology: Volume 26 Issue 1


Table of contents - Special Issue: IMAPS-CPMT 2013 Poland

Influence of the fluxes properties on quality and the microstructure of lead-free solder joints executed by selective soldering

Marek Koscielski, Janusz Sitek

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of the properties of new compositions of fluxes for selective soldering on lead-free solder joints quality and…

Voids investigation in solder joints performed with vapour phase soldering (VPS)

Beata Kinga Synkiewicz, Agata Skwarek, Krzysztof Witek

The main advantages of vapour phase soldering are a non-oxygen environment, the elimination of overheating and the possibility of the vacuum application, which can guarantee…

Characterization of nano-enhanced interconnect materials for fine pitch assembly

Yan Zhang, Janusz Sitek, Jing-yu Fan, Shiwei Ma, Marek Koscielski, Lilei Ye, Johan Liu

Multiple fillers are adopted to study the filler influences on electrical and mechanical properties of the conductive adhesives. The performances of the developed nano-enhanced…

Electrodeposition of thin metallic layer for solar cell electrodes

Kazimierz Drabczyk, Robert Socha, Piotr Panek, Grzegorz Mordarski

– The paper aims to show application of the electrochemically deposited coatings for thickening of the screen printed electric paths potentially applied in photovoltaic cells.

Combined loading and failure analysis of lead-free solder joints due to creep and fatigue phenomena

Krystian Jankowski, Artur Wymyslowski, Didier Chicot

The aim of this work is the use of specially designed, authoring device to evaluate the strength of solder alloys commonly used in all kinds of electronic and electrical devices…

Reliability investigations for high temperature interconnects

Rainer Dudek, Peter Sommer, Andreas Fix, Joerg Trodler, Sven Rzepka, Bernd Michel

Because of the need for electronics use at temperatures beyond 150°C, high temperature resistant interconnection technologies like transient liquid phase (TLP) soldering and…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Peng He
  • Associate Professor Shuye Zhang