Soldering & Surface Mount Technology: Volume 24 Issue 3


Table of contents

Systematic mechanical design approach for a flexible printed circuit board assemblies (PCBA) rework cell: part II – conceptual design of soldering and desoldering system

Necdet Geren, Çağdaş Sarıgül, Melih Bayramoğlu

The purpose of this paper is to apply the developed systematic mechanical design methodologies, that are obtained in part I, to investigate their success in designing mechanics of…

Three‐dimensional thermal investigations at board level in a reflow oven using thermal‐coupling method

Chun‐Sean Lau, M.Z. Abdullah, F. Che Ani

The purpose of this paper is to develop thermal modelling to investigate the thermal response of sample boards (at board level) during the preheating stage of the reflow process…


Enhanced solder wettability of oxidized‐copper with lead‐free solder via Ar‐H2 plasmas for flip‐chip bumping: the effects of H2 flow rates

Y.S. Lin, W.J. Lin, L.Y. Chiu

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of H2 flow rate on improving the solder wettability of oxidized‐copper with liquid lead‐free solder (96.5Sn‐3Ag‐0.5Cu) by…

Oxidation and Au‐Sn reaction of laser reflowed micro‐solder joints protected by N2 or exposed to air atmosphere

Wei Liu, Yanhong Tian, Lei Yang, Chunqing Wang, Lining Sun

The purpose of this paper is to investigate oxidation and the Au‐Sn reaction of laser reflowed (LR) micro‐solder joints when different protective atmospheres were applied.

The effect of micro via‐in pad designs on surface‐mount assembly defects: part I – tombstoning

Yong‐Won Lee, Keun‐Soo Kim, Katsuaki Suganuma

To propose a solution procedure to minimize/eliminate tombstoning defects in small chip components with different micro via‐in pad designs for high density module assembly.

Mechanical durability of RFID chip joints assembled on flexible substrates

Kamil Janeczek, Tomasz Serzysko, Małgorzata Jakubowska, Grażyna Kozioł, Anna Młożniak

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the durability of radio‐frequency identification (RFID) chips assembled on flexible substrates (paper and foil), with materials…

The effect of praseodymium (Pr) additions on shear strength and microstructure of SnAgCu joints during the ageing process

Li‐li Gao, Song‐bai Xue, Hong Zhu

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of praseodymium (Pr) additions (0, 0.05 and 0.5 wt%) on the mechanical properties and microstructure of SnAgCu solder…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Peng He
  • Associate Professor Shuye Zhang