Soldering & Surface Mount Technology: Volume 1 Issue 2


Table of contents

Thermal Fatigue Strength Estimation of Solder Joints of Surface Mount IC Packages

M. Kitano, S. Kawai, I. Shimizu

Long‐term fatigue life estimation for solder joints of surface mount IC packages is studied through elasto‐plastic stress analysis and temperature cycling tests. Strain on the…

Vias‐in‐pads for Surface Mounted Components

D.G. DeNure

The demand for higher density circuit packs, limited mounting space, faster switching times and cost‐effective designs has encouraged designers to take another look at placing…

Laser Soldering — Production and Microstructural Benefits for SMT

C. Lea

Laser soldering, as a viable technique for surface mounting assemblies, is reviewed. The criteria for selection of a CO2 or a Nd:YAG laser are discussed. New data are given that…


The Assessment of the Corrosivity of Soldering Flux Residues Using Printed Copper Circuit Board Tracks

D. Bono

Following a review of the methods used in the electronics industry to study the corrosivity of fluxes for soft soldering, two procedures have been developed based on a proposal…

How to Make Wave Soldering of SMDs Successful

G. Schouten

To make wave soldering of SMDs a success, one must realise that not only the process involved is important, but also the board design and SMD mounting aspects play an important…

A Proposal for a Standard Solderability Testing Method for SMDs

L.‐G. Klang, M. Nylén

When testing SMDs with a wetting balance, some of the test parameters have a much greater influence on the wetting force and wetting time than others. It was found that the most…

Process Control in Soldering SMDs — Analysing and Improving the Process

M.M.F. Verguld

Although wave soldering is a long established technique, the touch‐up percentage is still unacceptably high. This leads to high touch‐up costs and too low product quality. One…

Wave Solder Parameter Optimisation Using A Statistical Experimental Design

J.R. Wooldridge

One part of putting a new wave solder machine into service is determining the optimum settings for the machine's operating parameters. Generally this is done on the basis of…

Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility (EMPF), Ridgecrest, California

Lorna Cullen

With a record of human occupancy for over 10,000 years, the Indian Wells Valley where Ridgecrest is located has long had much to offer casual and experienced desert visitors…

Special reports

Colin Lea, E.E. de Kluizenaar, W. Rubin

‘Fluxing and Cleaning in Electronics Soldering’ The Grosvenor Hotel, London, 22 February 1989. ‘To clean or not to clean?’ ‘Aqueous or solvent cleaning?’ ‘What is the future for…

A Call for Action on CFC Usage: Some Facts for Managerial Decisions

C. Lea

220,000 tonnes of the chlorofluorocarbon CFC‐113 are consumed worldwide each year. About half is used for cleaning flux residues from soldered PCB assemblies in the electronic…

International association news

Tony Gordon, Malcolm Warwick

The seminar was attended by 19 delegates from wide‐ranging industrial and academic backgrounds and whose needs for automation prompted many diverse and probing questions.

Industry news

Alpha Metals Ltd (UK) have announced the appointment of David Crimp to the position of General Manager. Having served the company for four years as Sales Manager, Mr Crimp now…

New Products

New from Hollis Europe is an infra‐red soldering system, the IR16, for energy efficient reflow of all types of surface mount boards.

Cover of Soldering & Surface Mount Technology







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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Peng He
  • Associate Professor Shuye Zhang