The Bottom Line: Volume 14 Issue 3


Table of contents

Financial needs and problems of university and research laboratory libraries in India

I.V. Malhan

In the developing knowledge society and emerging electronic environment, university and research laboratory libraries in India are facing several challenging situations and…


Financing public universities in eastern and southern Africa: implications for information services

Stephen M. Mutula

Public universities in eastern and southern Africa have for a long time depended largely on grants from national governments for most of their recurrent and capital budgets…


Supporting the public library entrepreneur

Jill Best

This study investigates critical success factors which are impacting on the performance of NZ public library managers in generating extra revenue for their organisations. It…


Managing the acquisitions budget: a practical perspective

Peter Clayton

This paper focuses on four areas, all of which affect a library’s bottom line in one way or another: fitting library materials expenditure into the parent organisation’s budget…


Trends and developments in financial management of collections in academic and research libraries

Stephen A. Roberts

A number of financial models for collection development are reviewed in their historical and contemporary context. Digital library collections and hybrid library developments are…


Outsourcing library technical services – what we think we know, and don’t know

James H. Sweetland

While a considerable amount has been spoken and written about the subject of outsourcing, or contracting out, of technical services in libraries, there is little consensus on even…

Cover of The Bottom Line



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Susanne Durst