Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 14 Issue 2


Table of contents

Developing Enterprising Graduates

David A. Kirby, David Mullen

In an era of change and uncertainty, there is a need for employeeswho are both resourceful and flexible. The creation of such competenciesin graduates is the objective of the UK…

Adapting Training to Trainee Learning Styles

Ronald R. Sims

The importance of adapting training styles and methods to trainees′learning styles is discussed. Such an approach should provide a basisfor training strategies which can help…


Alternative Theory of Management Education

Richard Thorpe

The present state of management education in the UK is examined,discussing what managers actually do and the skills and competenciesrequired to do it. The idea of Action Learning…

Advances in Teaching and Learning Methods

S. Lyn Fawcett

The current requirements and recommendations found in BTECguidelines for Higher Diploma courses are examined and the teachingstratagems which have been applied by the Department…



Online date, start – end:

1977 – 2011

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Emerald Publishing Limited