Retail and Distribution Management: Volume 7 Issue 4
Table of contents
The Planners meet the Retailers: Moving towards a strategy for location
Edward McFadyenPlanners and retailers are notoriously bad at understanding each other's needs. Central to the lack of communication between the two sides — certainly as far as the location and…
The impact of mini and micro computers in retailing
Gil Jones, Barbara WalmanWords like “revolution” are frequently used to describe the impact of the silicon chip on industry; as far as retailing is concerned, there is no doubt that the availability of…
How William Morrison uses its computer
Chris BalaamWilliam Morrison Supermarkets, which has 22 retail units in the north of England has been using an IBM System/3 computer for the past six years. The range of applications which it…
Women in retailing
Danica OgnjenovicWomen have always worked: whether unrecognised, at home, or more recently, as part of the paid work‐force. Their contribution to the economy has always been significant, if…
The life cycle of the retail business
Maurice CauweAfter more than 50 years in retailing, Maurice Cauwe has secured his rightful place as one of Europe's most distinguished retailers. He has been closely involved in the…
Credit Cards: A key to new business
Ingrid HaylesThe British consumer may still like to hang on to his cash and may still harbour vaguely puritanical suspicions about credit cards, but there are indications that old habits…
Urban distribution problems and opportunities in the UK
Martin FoulkesThis paper featured in the one‐day conference held in London in May '79. The conference, entitled ‘Urban distribution — strategy for the future’ and organised by the National…
Grocery: the suppliers put their case
HornbyThis paper by D R Hornby, President of the Food Manufacturers Federation, is based on the various issues which arose from the FMF conference in March. Firstly, it might be as well…