Retail and Distribution Management: Volume 17 Issue 2
Table of contents
Internationalism:: The route to growth
Penelope OdyWhile most expanding UK retailers are still preoccupied with such issues as whether to open their next branch in Nottingham or Northampton or relocate the distribution warehouse…
The store where the customer does the scanning
Chris HughesCustomer self scanning is a revolutionary experiment that could be the next milestone in the history of shopping, asserts our contributor. The Dutch company Ahold (formerly Albert…
Shopping the electronic way
Jessica AlexanderTeleshopping is attracting increased interest because retailers see it as a way of improving customer services. In France, Minitel has done much to prove the demand and potential…
Are SHOP NUMBERS rising or falling?
Russell Schiller, Oliver BouckeThe evidence is confused, but it looks as if shop numbers in the UK may be rising, according to our contributors. There are interesting implications if this is so; fringe areas…
Store performance reviews:: a must for sound management
David RogersA formal store performance review is a key element of sound retail management in any business climate, our contributor suggests. However, to be effective, it must be conducted…
Retailing in AUSTRALIA
Steve WorthingtonDespite some outward signs of strength, all may not be as well with Australian retailing as appears on the surface. Our contributor, Steve Worthington, has just returned from a…
Developments in retail software
David FreestoneTwo main trends can be distinguished in retail software developments during 1988. After six years of major developments, the number of new packages released for warehouse…
Warehouse and distribution software: Where are we now?
David FreestoneInformation technology is not a solution, it is a tool which can be used to handle business problems, according to one of the speakers at a recent conference on warehouse and…
Preparing for the Christmas rush: will it be icing on the cake or Boxing Day blues?
Phil CollingeThe perils of the Distribution Manager's role are never more clearly illustrated than by the Christmas rush and the January hangover. If Christmas 1988 meant seat of the pants…
Third Party Food Distribution
David CarterDriven along by the rapid pace of change which has taken place in grocery retailing over recent years, there has been a considerable degree of development in the services offered…
Storehouse:: can Michael Julien do the trick? and Boots becomes “a stunner”
Roger CoxWill Storehouse see the light of day? Group Chief Executive Michael Julien has made a number of cost‐cutting moves, including the rationalisation of distribution and the…