Retail and Distribution Management: Volume 12 Issue 1


Table of contents

Stock control of products with short shelf lives

Johh Sussams

The shelf‐life of a product, from packing to “sell‐by” date is divided between the distributor and the retailer. If the time allowed for distribution is inadequate then either…

Hypermarkets in France: Has the Loi Royer had any effect?

Steve Burt

The independent shopkeeper in France has always played a very important role, and historically they have been supported — if only in theory — by government intervention…

Migros City

Sue Sharples

Migros City in the centre of Zurich in Switzerland is a far cry from the company's traditional superstore layout, and this dramatic departure seems to be successfully meeting the…

Nixdorf in Europe

Sue Sharples

The trend towards fewer and larger retail outlets, with the organisation centre often far away from the selling points; the doubling of the number of products sold in the last 10…

Scanning at St Helens Co‐op: The first Hugin NSC Datachecker system in Europe

Ron Wilson

St Helens Co‐operative Society has an annual turnover of more than £21m, although its geographical base consists of a relatively small area of 20 sq miles extending from St Helens…

EFTS and the consumer

Edward McFadyen

In all the discussions about the political situation surrounding EFTPOS — who pays for it, the need for standardisation, the apparent lack of firm representation by retailers …

Using EPoS in a small photographic chain

Loughton Photographic has five retail outlets in Essex and a turnover of around £3m. For some time they have been using, with success, a system provided by DSI which involves the…

Retailer charitable donations — Can giving money away be made to pay?

Christopher Cowton, Nigel Piercy

The practice of companies donating money and gifts in kind to ‘good works’ or deserving causes is hardly new in the retail sector, but it is one which has received very little…

Can fashion stock levels be forecast ?

David J Freestone

The key to the control of fashion stocks is the ability to identify slow‐sellers early — but the key word here is the company's definition of “slow‐seller”. David Freestone…

Seven years of generics

Peter J McGoldrick

Peter McGoldrick offers some thoughts on generic positioning and some comments on the progress of generics over the last seven years. He also takes up points made by Robert…

Money purchase pension schemes are on the scene again

John C. Vann

As alternative to the final salary pension scheme, money purchase pension schemes are coming more into prominence now. Our contributor outlines the pros and cons of such schemes…



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1973 – 1989

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