Retail and Distribution Management: Volume 11 Issue 3
Table of contents
The changing pattern of American retailing
David RogersReceived wisdom is that retail change starts in America and later spreads to major western European countries. This was certainly true until the early 1970s when France took the…
What marketing lessons can retailers learn from the recession?
Nigel PiercyEconomic recession has hit hard at both manufacturers and retailers in the UK. However, within the generally gloomy picture there are areas of success and growth. The argument in…
Independent retailing in Great Britain: Dinosaur or chameleon?
JA DawsonDr Dawson's paper was presented to a recent CESDIT meeting in Milan, and is a summary of the chapter in the CESDIT volume on distribution in Great Britain. It discusses the…
Keeping payment systems simple
David FreestoneThere are a number of variations in payment schemes which companies can apply: a system related to productivity might pay commission, either individual or group. Then there are…
Retail mergers: a review of government policy
Stuart EliotIn recent years the retail sector has witnessed a spate of merger activity, partly because some companies have been unable to solve difficult trading problems in any other way…