International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 26 Issue 12


Table of contents

Unemployment trends in Russia of the 1990s

Ernest Raiklin

The year of 1992 witnessed liberalization of the price system in Russia (Tseny v Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 1994, p. 5). As a result, all that was hidden and suppressed became open…


Boris Yeltsin and Russia’s rocky road to capitalism: the early years

John E. Elliott, Thomas Hall

This paper examines the origins and the institutions, strategies, and policies of the shift to transition toward capitalism and democracy as the aspired system of political…


The ethical problems of personnel management in a transition economy

A. Szalkowski, D. Jankowicz

The major ethical questions occuring in the process of personnel management are reviewed. These issues become particularly pronounced in the transition countries during the…


Testing the “natural rate of suicide” hypothesis

Matti Virén

This paper analyses the economic determinants of suicide. More specifically, we test the hypothesis that suicide is related to shocks or news concerning income growth. Testing is…


Institutional change in UK health and local authorities

Robert McMaster

The programme of market‐oriented reforms to the UK’s welfare state commenced during the 1980s with the implementation of the competitive tendering of certain defined activities in…

Economics and civilisation

Leslie Armour

The globalisation of the world economy has left governments less powerful and threatened cultures with homogenisation. The Huntington thesis – that the world is now divided into…


Tax incentives, individual characteristics and charitable giving in Singapore

Vincent C.H. Chua, Chung Ming Wong

Previous studies conducted for developed countries like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom have often found charitable giving by individuals to depend on income…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett