VINE: Volume 32 Issue 3


Table of contents

Digital images in education: an overview

Paul Sandford

Looks at the themed issue articles and the areas they cover relating to digital imaging issues. Lists the sources of support and introduces the various contributors.


Teaching and learning with images

Elaine Mowat

Digitisation initiatives have produced a wealth of high quality digital images for educational use. Illustrated by examples from the SCRAN digital library, this article describes…


Learning with digital artifacts: gaining a sense of the object

Janet Rountree, Robert Hannah, W B.L.

In this article some thoughts on the use of digitised artifacts for teaching visual analysis in Classical art are presented. In order to employ digital images as effective…


Digital imaging in architectural design E‐ducation

Johan Verbeke

Digital images can play a crucial role in communication and the exploration of design concepts in distant learning environments. First described is the general context in which…

Empowering citizens to tell their own stories – the Cultural Objects In Networked Environments (COINE) project

Zoe Clarke

This paper introduces the reader to the Cultural Objects In Networked Environments (COINE) project. The concept and aims of the project are explained, together with the technical…


The FILTER project: encouraging the use of digital images for learning, teaching and research

Jill Evans

The promotion of pedagogic use of quality digital images through improved metadata is the aim of the JISC‐funded FILTER project. Having funded many content creation projects, the…


Enhancing a building construction technology course using digital images

Paul Sandford, Malcolm Dunkeld

With the support of the ADC‐LTSN and the CEBE, the Faculty of the Built Environment (FBE) and Learning and Information Services (LIS) at South Bank University are collaborating to…



Online date, start – end:

1971 – 2015

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited