Strategic Direction: Volume 20 Issue 6


Table of contents

The challenges of leadership: Interview with Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Rosabeth Moss Kanter holds a chaired professorship as the Class of 1960 Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Specializing in business strategy…


3M and General Physics make leadership count: Innovative approaches to leadership development

According to a survey carried out on a total of 756 CEOs in 2002 by The Center for Creative Leadership and Chief Executive Magazine, leadership development has been hailed as a…


Chicken and egg puzzle of investment in learning: Can companies afford to cut the courses?

As in life, chicken and egg situations occur in many aspects of business. So which came first? The chicken or the egg? Who knows? All that is certain is you do not have one…


Colgate‐Palmolive seeks tomorrow’s global leader: Searching for success in the international arena

Look around the Web for articles and information about leadership and it will not be very long before you come across sites dedicated to the concept of a “global leader”. The…


Leadership development’s softer side: Coaching helps overcome resistance to feedback

How many times have you heard of a manager within your organization or in the wider sphere of business who has risen swiftly through the ranks on the basis of his or her technical…


Developing change and leadership capabilities: Linking change management and management development

There is little doubt that two of the greatest challenges facing today’s organizations involve leadership and change management. When we think back over the technology revolution…


Lesson for teachers in selling Scotland: Big challenge for small businesses

According to the tourism adverts, when you visit Scotland a little bit of that beautiful breathtaking country stays with you forever. And when the manager of a Scottish hotel…


Who’s next in line?: Succession management planning and leadership development go hand in hand

Faced with rising numbers of employees due for retirement and dwindling numbers of younger workers stepping up to replace them, forward‐thinking companies are implementing…


The “where” not “how” of leadership: Embracing the challenge of leadership deployment

When it comes to leadership, companies that systematically and continuously put the right leaders in the right jobs outperform companies that don’t – by a wide margin. Despite…

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  • Miss Emma Steele