International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 39 Issue 11/12


Table of contents - Special Issue: Racial and post-racial senses of place

Guest Editors: Karim Murji, Giovanni Picker

Race and place

Karim Murji, Giovanni Picker

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the special issue on race and place.

Political appearances: Race and the places of state authority in Metro Vancouver’s Vaisakhi celebrations

Bonar Buffam

In Metro Vancouver, Vaisakhi celebrations are organized by local Sikh gurdwaras to mark the Punjabi harvest season and the anniversary of the Sikh Khalsa, which was formed in…

Mythical encounters: challenging racism in the diverse city

Shana Almeida

The purpose of this paper is to situate the idea that the City of Toronto is a leader on addressing issues of diversity, racism and democracy within the context of diversity…

Brazilian apartheid: racism and segregation in Salvador, Brazil

Ricardo Oliveira Rotondano

The purpose of this paper is to analyse empirically the racial relations of segregation of the black population in the city of Salvador, Brazil, which built according to a subtle…

Favelas and townships: place making, everyday racialization, and the postracial

Sergio Henrique Rocha Franco

The purpose of this paper is to indicate how place making and belonging are still largely governed by race in Brazil and South Africa. As such, it engages with debates about the…

Marking walls and borders

Nicole Trujillo-Pagan

The purpose of this paper is to reconceptualize space as a field of struggles between multiple agents.

White sanctuaries: race and place in art museums

David G. Embrick, Simón Weffer, Silvia Dómínguez

This paper examines the Art Institute of Chicago – a nationally recognized museum – as a white sanctuary, i.e., a white institutional space within a racialized social system that…


Taboo news about Sweden: the transnational assemblage of a racialized spatial imaginary

Gavan Titley

The purpose of this paper is to examine the construction of Sweden as a racialised spatial imaginary in the emerging transnational networks of far-right media production…

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  • Prof Colin Williams