International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 25 Issue 1/2


Table of contents

Introduction: key issues and directions for the sociology of development

Gay Young

The analysis in this special issue on the sociology of development continues the ongoing process of problematizing the development enterprise. While the notion of modernization…

Tracing the roots/routes of World Bank power

Michael Goldman

Most of the literature on the World Bank struggles to understand precisely how effective are the Bank’s projects and policies, emphasizing at the same time as reaffirming certain…


Whose solution is it? development ideology and the work of micro‐entrepreneurs in Caribbean context

Marina Karides

An economic leader in the Caribbean, the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has incorporated micro‐business development as one of its main strategies to alleviate poverty and…

Social networks and the institutionalization of the idea of sustainable development

Enrique S. Pumar

Recently there has been a resurgence in the study of how ideas shape policies. Two perspectives which dominate this literature are what Habermas has called the…


Civil society in Mexico: popular protest amid economic and political liberalization

Takeshi Wada

Civil society has emerged as a contested concept in development. Some observers claim that economic restructuring has eroded the political hegemony of authoritarian regimes and…

The uneven globalization of civil society organizations and the consequences for cross‐national disparities in human development

Wade T. Roberts

Many scholars and practitioners consider development to be as much an institutional and organizational phenomenon as it is an economic one. Among other elements, civil society is…


Development and the lifeworld: individuals, interstitial social relationships, and large‐scale organizations

Joo Ean Tan, Gideon Sjoberg

Among the master social processes occurring in the modern world have been increased individualization, on the one hand, and the growth of largescale organizations, on the other…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Colin Williams