Leadership & Organization Development Journal: Volume 18 Issue 6


Table of contents

A culture of conflict

Dianne S. Lewis, Erica French, Peter Steane

The effects of culture on the performance of an organization depend, not on the strength of the overall culture, but on the mix and weightings of the components of that culture…


Transformational leadership in the UK management culture

Bernard Lim

Reports an investigation of transformational leadership among UK managers. Podsakoff et al.’s (1990) measure of transformational leadership was administered to 25 managers within…


Ubuntu ‐ the spirit of African transformation management ‐ a review

Ethne Swartz, Rae Davies

The idea of “African Management” is compelling when considering the complex social and organizational changes under way in South Africa today. Sets out to critically evaluate the…


ProMES: a method for “accepted control loops”

Harrie F.J.M. van Tuijl

ProMES, a method for the measurement and feedback of performance data is related to the concepts of goal setting and feedback (Locke, 1991; Locke and Latham, 1990), and to the…


Management development and a mismatch of objectives: the culture change process in the NHS

Graeme Currie

Analyses the contribution of management development to culture change in the health service. Is concerned with the public sector managerialism promoted in the health service by…

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  • Dr Stefanie Johnson