Leadership & Organization Development Journal: Volume 16 Issue 1


Table of contents

Improving safety behaviour using goal setting and feedback

T.W. Marsh, I.T. Robertson, A.R. Duff, R.A. Phillips, Cooper, A. Weyman

Describes the development and effects of behaviourally‐basedmanagement techniques in improving construction site safety. In phaseone, goal‐setting and feedback methods were…


Evaluating transactional analysis as a change strategy for organizations

Mark Neath

Transactional analysis (TA) as a strategy for change inorganizations appears to be enjoying a period of renewed interest. Theextent of its use is sufficient for a substantial…


Leadership and developmental interventions for dysfunctional workers

Lynne McClure, William B. Werther

Specific types of dysfunctional work behaviours form anidentifiable pattern that can be uncovered through a needs analysis andaddressed by a multi‐dimensional, five‐step…


Organization design and the knowledge worker

Michael W. Stebbins, Abraham B. Shani

The field of organization design is changing rapidly, reflectingcontributions from managers and diverse organizational consultants. Oneof the most recent developments is in the…


Conflict resolution: a recontextualization

David K. Banner

Challenges one of the dominant assumptions of the current culturalparadigm, namely that conflict is inevitable between people and groupswith differing goals, values and…


Individual influence in organizational change

Warren R. Nielsen, John L. Saccoman, Nick Nykodym

Most serious organizational change efforts of the last two decadeshave focused on change within groups or the socio‐technical system. Harddata on change efforts are both limited…

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  • Dr Stefanie Johnson