Leadership & Organization Development Journal: Volume 15 Issue 7


Table of contents

Spanning Traditional Boundaries: : Organization and Control of Embedded Operations

Anthony J. Berry

In management texts, management and control of operations is handledthrough the establishment of models and budgets of various kinds. Takesa broader view of operations. Follows…


Creating an Organizational Network out of the Ashes of Despair

Emily Boyle

When DAF BV collapsed in February 1993 the Continental operations weresaved by the Belgian and Dutch governments. However, in Britain thereceivers were called in to Leyland DAF…


The Dynamics of Partnership Sourcing

Andrew D. Brown, Inger Boyett, Phil Robinson

Examines how and why some major UK purchaser and supplier organizationshave increasingly sought to become partners. Drawing on detailed casestudies of Rank Xerox, Hoover, ICL and…


Networking and Its Leadership Processes

Gordon Wills

Aims to review what has been learned and published recently aboutnetworking, using examples from the experiences of the InternationalManagement Centre (IMC). Describes the IMC…


Inter‐organizational Alliance and Networking: Dynamics, Processes and Technology

Rachid Zeffane

In recent years, both large and small organizations have beenincreasingly required to engage in networking and inter‐organizationalalliances. Provides an overview of some of the…


A Sphenomorphic Model for the Management of Innovation in a Complex Environment

Ian Barclay, Philip Holroyd, Jenny Poolton

Introduces a new model of the “management of innovation” process,especially as it applies to the complex environment of engineering basednew product development programmes. A…

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  • Dr Stefanie Johnson