Leadership & Organization Development Journal: Volume 12 Issue 5


Table of contents

Between Control and Commitment: Management and Change as the Art of Balancing

P.L. Koopman

In this article two personnel management strategies are discussed:a control strategy and a commitment strategy. The main argument is thatin most circumstances a balanced strategy…

Who Should Decide? Key Areas for Participation

Geoffrey N. Soutar, Lawson K. Savery

Research is reported which was conducted using a randomly selectedWestern Australian community sample and involved measuring therespondents′ preferred style of leadership. The…

Leadership for Change in a Turbulent Environment

Tom Darcy, Brian H. Kleiner

Critical management and leadership issues relating to managingmajor organisational change are examined. It is shown that the key toleading change successfully through turbulent…


The Skills Time Bomb: Part 3: Developing a New Skills Mix

John Sinclair, David Collins

The development of a new skills mix must be seen as part of anorganisational change management strategy. It is only credible when itadds value to what an organisation does. The…

Contemporary Leaders: Power and Powerlessness

Jarl Jørstad

Discusses some aspects of power and powerlessness of contemporaryleaders from four different areas of experiences: psychoanalysis,therapeutic communities, Tavistock conferences on…

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  • Dr Stefanie Johnson