Work Study: Volume 43 Issue 2


Table of contents

Empowering the Supervisory Role

Christopher Orpen

Despite all the changes over the past decade in how organizations aredesigned and managed, the role of the first‐line manager or supervisorremains crucial. Surveys have shown that…


New Quality System Adds 400 QA Staff to Payroll

Bryan Wall

Managers in today′s food‐manufacturing plants are faced with anever‐growing clamour from customers, from central and regionalinspectorates, and of course, from their own…


New Developments in Employee Training

Christianne Derouen, Brian H. Kleiner

In order to accommodate the rapid technological changes, employees mustmaster increasingly complex technical skills. Five major forces behindtraining becoming so important and…


Measuring Work Accurately

Ken Gregson

It seems so obvious that, when we measure something, we need to measureit accurately. But is it really true? Sometimes a rough and readyestimate is all we need to enable us to…


Personal Digital Assistants

Shirley Daniels

The personal digital assistant (PDA) is what Apple (the computercompany) thinks we have all been waiting for. They coined the term acouple of years ago to refer to a small…


Future Manufacturing Development in Taiwan

J.E.L. Simmons

Taiwan is a small country of 20 million people which has considerablymore importance on the world manufacturing and trading stage than merenumbers would suggest. Recent figures…


A Bright New World

E. Arthur Jennings

No one would surely deny that the workplace should offer both managementand workers a bright and attractive environment in which to work. Ofcourse, we may differ on the way in…




Online date, start – end:

1952 – 2003

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Emerald Publishing Limited