Table of contents
Susan SimpsonImproved legislation controlling the major components of the foodchain cannot ensure that food leaving the food retailer will remain safeuntil it is consumed. Mishandling of food…
New Molecular Methods for the Detection of Bacteria in Food
Adrian EleyIn order to maintain food safety standards, conventionalmicrobiological methods are still being used to detect bacteria andother organisms in food. However, these techniques are…
MAFF'S Food Micromodel
Gillian SmithersThe National Diet and Nutrition Survey programme has been set up bythe Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Department ofHealth, to monitor the diet and nutritional…
MAFF'S Nutrient Databank
Gillian SmithersThe Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF) aims to ensure that an adequate, safe and varied food supply is available from which consumers can choose healthy and…
Packaging Food with Flexible Materials: PART 1
Frank PaineThe role of packaging in the food industry has changed rapidly inrecent years. From being what was once only a simple container,packaging has been transformed into a key step in…
Are We Eating Ourselves To Death?
A.E.J. McGillThe following is extracted from Professor A.E.J. McGill's inaugural lecture at the University of Plymouth in November 1992, discussing aspects of the safety, quality and…
Food Retailing
“While there is little doubt that prices in a multiple supermarket are a good deal cheaper than in a corner grocer, among the multiples as a whole prices are remarkably similar…
The Great British Bramley
Joanna WoodBritain is the only apple‐growing country in the world which produces a variety exclusively for culinary purposes, the incomparable Bramley. Its success must be due mainly to its…
Consuming Passions
Why do some people eat more food than their bodies need? From virtually the time we are born we start to be programmed and this programming continues throughout our lives. As…
Food Choice
The Institute of Food Research has been measuring the influences on food choice through the use of consumer questionnaires as reported in IFR News.
Food — A Fact of Life
Much is made these days of the need for consumer information on food packages, designed to help the consumer organize diets conducive to good health. The British Nutrition…
FOLIC ACID AND NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS All women planning pregnancy should increase their intake of folic acid to help prevent the risk of their child being born with spina bifida…
Guide for a Healthy Pregnancy, A Guide for You and Your Baby and Healthy Eating Guide for the One to Fives are three new booklets which have recently been updated by the National…
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- Dr Vijay Ganji