Table of contents
Labelling legislation
Background to the current legislation provided by the National Consumer Council
EEC food laws
Draft Regulations for the EEC Food Labelling Directive have recently been laid before parliament. Most of these Regulations come into operation on 1st January 1981
Nutrition labelling
New Recommendations on Nutrition Labelling The Food Standards Committee's Second Report on Claims and Misleading Descriptions was published in March this year. The Report is the…
RATS: a world wide challenge to mankind
David GunstonIt is said that when rats outnumber human beings civilisation collapses. The signs of decay from this truly appalling cause may not yet be evident, but it is a long‐attested fact…
The by‐products of BREWING
W.R. Hyde, J.D.F. PenroseThere is the proverbial contention that on killing a pig, nothing is wasted except the squeak and it can be claimed that the wastage of the materials input of beer is almost…
The French experience
Françoise BuhlThe French experience of nutritional education of the public was outlined by Madame Françoise Buhl (French Committee on Health Education, Paris). In 1975, a prevention programme…
With the rising cost of school meals there has been a corresponding increase in the number of children taking packed lunches. Many people who hold the view that a ‘proper’ meal…
THE UNWILLING LISTENER:some lessons from an advertising agency
Judith M. LannonIn the March/April issue of Consumer Affairs which reported the EEC Symposium of Food, Food Technology and Nutrition Labelling held in London earlier this year, John McKenzie is…
Lamb bonanza
Anne DareThe British are the second largest consumers of lamb in the EEC — the Irish being the greatest eaters — with consumption at around 7 kg per head per year, from a current sheep…

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- Dr Vijay Ganji