Table of contents
food to run
Ivan M. SharmanSo it was that St Paul, who knew a great deal about athletics, advised his correspondents in Corinth nineteen hundred years ago but the advice might equally well be given to‐day…
Body weight‐fat and energy balance
G.R. HerveyIt is characteristic of living organisms that they maintain a specific structure, composition and physical state, although they are continuously losing and gaining the substances…
The national food survey
A.H.J. Baines, D.H. BussAny Government needs to make sure that its citizens have enough of the right kinds of food to eat. After air and water, there is no more basic human need; but in assessing the…
Diane Roberts, Betty HobbsFood can be contaminated with visible material, chemical substances and invisible living cells of protozoa and other parasites, bacteria and viruses. Chemical food poisoning has…
Campden Research Station
H.R. MSc. Hinton, FIBiol, DirectorDuring the 1914–18 war the United Kingdom suffered from shortages of food and with the object of preserving as much home produced food as possible, the Ministry of Agriculture set…
Nutrition Education in Western Germany
Gisela TrurnitThe German Society of Nutrition has two main objectives. Firstly, to collect the findings of all disciplines in the field of nutrition, to co‐ordinate and evaluate this material…
Feeding the undernourished under‐fives, part two
Joel Montague, Margot Higgins, Saul HelfenbeinThe operational, economic, and cultural obstacles to pre‐school nutrition programs outlined in the first half of this paper have arisen largely because few nationwide programs…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Vijay Ganji