Table of contents
Evidence‐based practice in teaching: an information perspective
Dorothy Williams, Louisa ColesThe purpose of this research is to explore UK teachers' use of research‐based information, with a particular focus on issues relating to access to information in schools…
Geographic relevance
Jonathan RaperThe purpose of this paper concerns the dimensions of relevance in information retrieval systems and their completeness in new retrieval contexts such as mobile search. Geography…
Open access in context: a user study
David Nicholas, Paul Huntington, Hamid R. JamaliThe purpose of this research is to examine the impact on usage of the journal Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) moving to an open access model. A major objective was to examine the…
Information kiosks: a taxonomy
Jennifer Rowley, Frances SlackThe purpose of this paper is to propose a multi‐dimensional taxonomy for information kiosk‐based self service technologies (SSTs). This taxonomy has an important contribution to…
Constructing an image indexing template for The Children's Society: Users' queries and archivists' practice
Neil Conduit, Pauline RaffertyThe purpose of this research is to describe the development of an indexing template to guide the indexing of images using keywords. The template is designed to be used for…
The information needs and information‐seeking behaviour of the users of the European Parliamentary Documentation Centre: A customer knowledge study
Rita Marcella, Graeme Baxter, Sylvie Davies, Dick ToornstraThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the results of a customer knowledge study commissioned by the Parliamentary Documentation Centre (PDC) of the European Parliament in order…
A review of the spiritual in information studies
Jarkko KariThe purpose of this paper is to explore one broad question: what do information, information processes, information services, as well as information systems and technology have to…
Evolution of concept networks and implications for knowledge representation
Jung‐ran ParkThe purpose of this paper is to present descriptive characteristics of the historical development of concept networks. The linguistic principles, mechanisms and motivations behind…

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1945Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof David Bawden