Journal of Documentation: Volume 57 Issue 2


Table of contents

Results from a web impact factor crawler

Mike Thelwall

Web impact factors, the proposed web equivalent of impact factors for journals, can be calculated by using search engines. It has been found that the results are problematic…

Techniques of document management: a review of text retrieval and related technologies

D.C. Veal Doverton

Present and possible future developments in the techniques of document management are reviewed, the major ones being text retrieval and scanning and OCR. Acquisition, indexing and…


Information and digital literacies: a review of concepts

David Bawden

The concepts of ‘information literacy’ and ‘digital literacy’ are described, and reviewed, by way of a literature survey and analysis. Related concepts, including computer…


Developments in digital journals

Leah Halliday, Charles Oppenheim

This article explores recent developments in the production and delivery of scholarly journal articles in digital form. It identifies the key stakeholders as authors, publishers…

Multilingual thesauri for the modern world ‐ no ideal solution?

Kerstin Jorna, Sylvie Davies

In the 21st century, multilingual tools are gaining importance as increasingly diverse user groups from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds seek access to equally…

Economic aspects of a resource discovery network

Leah Halliday, Charles Oppenheim

Economic aspects of a resource discovery network (RDN) consisting of a centre and eight subject‐based hubs were explored using Ithink Analyst, a modelling software package. A…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof David Bawden