British Food Journal: Volume 97 Issue 9
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
Farm animal welfare, Europe and the meat manufacturer
Pamela Janet EastwoodExplores the suggestion that the UK is at the forefront of Europewith respect to animal welfare issues and looks at farm animal welfarelegislation and consumer concern in the UK…
Research on food choice and nutritional status in elderly people: a review
Sally HerneSince the beginning of the 1990s, nutrition education and healthpromotion have increasingly focused on the influence of diet on thequality of life in old age. The Government′s…
The COMA report on nutritional aspects of cardiovascular disease: : the scientific evidence
Anne de la HuntySummarizes the main conclusions and recommendations of the recentCOMA report on the nutritional aspects of cardiovascular disease.Reinforces existing advice to reduce total fat…
Salt and blood pressure
M.R. LawShows how blood pressure increases with age in Western communities,where the amount of salt in the diet is relatively high. A reduction insalt consumption would lower blood…
Antioxidants – the case for fruit and vegetables in the diet
Catherine Rice‐Evans, Nicholas J. MillerCompelling chemical, biochemical, clinical and epidemiologicalevidence supports the view that the antioxidant nutrients exert vitalcontributions towards the prevention or delayed…
Wine and health: red wine in a balanced, healthy diet
Philippe BoucheronDescribes and discusses some of the recent evidence which indicatesthat regular consumption of a moderate amount of red wine as part of aMediterranean style diet reduces the…
Eat a breakfast and eat well
Ann Hobbiss, Reza MahdaviThirty‐eight adults completed a ten‐week dietary interventionsurvey designed to increase the amounts of starch and non‐milk intrinsicsugars in their diet. They were instructed to…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris