British Food Journal: Volume 97 Issue 7
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
East of Eden : a brief history of fruit and vegetable consumption
Francis McKeeConsiders the history of one fruit – the apple – andone vegetable – the potato. Outlines the mythological, culturaland social context in which attitudes to both of these have been…
Fruit and vegetables : consumption patterns and health consequences
Suzi LeatherOpens by identifying fruit and vegetable consumption differencesbetween socio‐economic groups in Britain. Goes on to outline currentunderstanding of antioxidants and the role they…
Social research into cream – a “tool kit” approach
Charlie DavisonDescribes a “tool kit” approach to applied socialresearch into food and nutritional issues. Briefly describes the maindifferences between qualitative and quantitative research…
An overview of diet survey methodology
Annie S. AndersonReviews a range of diet survey methods which are commonly utilizedby nutritionists. All methods are time‐consuming and demanding forsubjects and researchers. It is therefore…
Market research methods and Scottish eating habits
D.W. MarshallOffers an introduction to using market research methods andprovides an illustrative example of their application to the study ofScottish eating habits. Provides a brief review of…
Using qualitative research for the sociology of food
Susan GregoryPresents an outline of the value of qualitative approaches toresearch into social life specifically within the area of the sociologyof food and eating. Uses a study funded by the…
Never mind the quantity, investigate the depth!
Kathryn MilburnIllustrates how qualitative methods can illuminate social andcultural contexts which affect food choice in the domestic situation.Argues that these contexts are best uncovered by…
Considering research, practice and policy issues
Lisa Curtice, Ann Hobbiss, Frances Jack, Jackie Landman, Linda McKie, Sean StittiPresents the debates conducted during themed workshops. Considersthe implications of historical and consumption factors alongsideresearch questions. The themes considered include…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris