British Food Journal: Volume 96 Issue 8
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
Food Policy in a Changing Food System
Geoff TanseyExamines the food system and considers the impact of the followingsocietal changes on it: increasing longevity and growing populations;increasing urbanization; globalization of…
Genetic Engineering for Food Production – What Is it All About?
Basma EllahiThe Report of the Committee on the Ethics of Genetic Modification andFood Use was published in September 1993. The use of genetic engineeringfor food use has received a lot of…
Fostering Leaner Red Meat in the Food Supply
Max J. WatsonIncreasing emphasis on the fat content of foods has focused particularattention on red meat and poultry because most of the fat is highlyvisible. At least some of the trend…
Microbiological Hazards from Red Meat and Their Control
Geoff C. MeadContamination of red meat with foodborne pathogens is associated withsymptom‐less carriage of the organisms in the live animal. In the UnitedKingdom, meat is an acknowledged…
Implementation of the Fresh Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 1992
Peter HewsonExplains how the implementation of the regulations was managed and howthe new system is risk‐based, with the emphasis placed on hygiene ofoperation rather than on structural…
Food Safety in Danish Pigmeat – Chemical Aspects
Verner WheelockThe pig industry plays a major role in the economy of Denmark. A largeproportion of the production is exported to markets in the UnitedKingdom, Germany, France, USA and Japan…
Implementing the EC General Food Hygiene Directive
Stephen FallowsOutlines the key points in the proposed new Food Hygiene Regulations.The new features are that: proprietors must ensure food handlers shouldbe trained or instructed to a level…
UK Industry Guides to Good Hygiene Practice
Verner WheelockExplains and summarizes the key points in the recent governmentconsultation document on Industry Guides to good hygiene practice.

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris