British Food Journal: Volume 96 Issue 4
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
Organic Food – A Description of the Irish Market
Gerardine Roddy, Cathal Cowan, George HutchinsonDescribes the current status of the organic food market in Ireland– current trading arrangements of wholesalers, distributors and retailersand the perceptions of organic food at…
Cereal Breeding and Varietal Testing
Stuart M. Meikle, David H. ScarisbrickDiscusses the influence of cereal breeding on yield increase. Suggeststhat future breeding programmes should be based on both financialinformation and yield. Summarizes the…
Measuring the Fat Content of Beef
Claire E.A. Seaman, Alan H. Hughes, Charles E. Hinks, E.A. Hunter, Doreen A. ParryThe fat content of beef is of considerable importance, bothnutritionally and in terms of its perceived effects on eating qualities.Several methods of evaluating the fat content of…
The Demand for Organically Grown Produce
A. Tregear, J.B. Dent, M.J. McGregorA postal survey was sent to 150 supermarkets and 112 wholefood shops inthe UK; response rates were 53 and 67 per cent, respectively. Atelephone survey with 242 members of the…
Whale Meat: A Safe and Healthy Food?
Mark P. Simmonds, Paul A. JohnstonDuring recent international debates concerning the potential resumptionof commercial whaling, whale meat has frequently been promoted as a goodfood. Recent research into the diet…
Marketing of Imported Food Products in Germany: : The New Paragraph 47(a) in German Food Law
Alfred Hagen Meyer, Stephen Mark JewellUnder the principle of mutual recognition any product from a Communitymember state that is legally produced and sold can be marketed in anyother member state. This principle was…
An Evaluation of the Nutri‐Test Dietary Assessment Software
Claire E.A. Seaman, Penny Caughey, Terry KirkRecognizes the need for computer programs which provide simple,user‐friendly techniques by which individuals can assess their diet. Tothis end the Nutri‐Test Computer Software was…
Nutrition Labelling: Putting the Consumer First
Bill ShannonThe EC Nutrition Labelling Rules Directive has lost sight of the primaryconsumer need, which is to provide information in a way that theconsumer can understand and act on. Recent…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris