British Food Journal: Volume 96 Issue 3
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
Food Law and Functional Foods
C.A. CockbillFunctional foods comprise a wide range of foodstuffs which are generallyspecially designed or reformulated to meet the needs of individuals whoare going to put special demands on…
Food Aid: Human Right or Weapon of War?
Louise McCorkindaleSarajevo is under siege and the UN agencies are the main suppliers offood aid to the population. Food needs are calculated on theoreticalrequirements, but the basic ration is not…
The Carrageenan Connection IV
H.J. BixlerCarrageenans are extracted from red algae and, depending on their typesand applications, function as potent thickeners, effective stabilizersand excellent gelling agents. At the…
Product Development and the QMS: An Essential Combination or a Contradiction in Terms?
Heather McIlveenQuality is increasingly being viewed as the hallmark of any successfulcompany. This philosophy has led to the evolution of the qualitymanagement system (QMS), and the increasing…
Isolation of Food Spoilage Yeasts from Salads Purchased from Delicatessens
Paul R. Hunter, Helen Hornby, Colin K. Campbell, Katherine F. BrowneReports on a study of the bacteriological and mycological quality of 87prepared salads purchased from delicatessens. Bacterial counts weregenerally low. Of the 87 salads, only 19…
Consumer Preferences for Quality and Freshness Attributes of Eggs
Mitchell R. Ness, Hubert GerhardyIllustrates the use of conjoint analysis, a multivariate technique forthe analysis of consumer preferences for multiple attribute productswith an application to freshness and…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris