British Food Journal: Volume 96 Issue 2
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
Mutual Recognition and the Food Industries: : Some Unresolved Issues
Alan SwinbankExamines Article 30 EC which provides for the free movement of goodsbetween the member states of the European Union. Following the Cassis deDijon case the Commission of the…
Tradition and Progress: : Registration of Geographic Denominations of Origin
Marjorie ThienesExamines provisions of the 1992 Regulation on the registration ofgeographical indications and designations of origin for agriculturalproducts and foodstuffs. Also examines…
Perceptions of Meat and Food: : Some Implications for Health Promotion Strategies
Kevin MaguireAs part of a larger food safety study, the perceptions of food ingeneral and meat in particular were investigated among 94 householdersin the City of Norwich UK, using respondent…
The Rise of Discount: : How to Survive the Profit Squeeze
Philippe KaasDiscount is on the rise, as a retail format, as a product concept and asa behaviour. It has already made deep inroads on the Continent and willinevitably invade the UK too. The…
The UK′s Food Chemical Surveillance Programme
David AtkinsSummarizes the UK′s food chemical surveillance programme. This programmeis an extensive series of checks, tests and analyses (approximately130,000 per annum) designed to monitor…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris