British Food Journal: Volume 95 Issue 9


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Psychology, Food, Health and Nutrition

Jane Wardle

In 1989 the Scientific Affairs Board of the British PsychologicalSociety set up a working party on food, health and nutrition chaired byDr Jane Wardle to report on the…


Introducing the Infant’s First Solid Food

Gillian Harris

The introduction of solid food to an infant is usually addressed interms of a “correct” time for introduction. There is usuallyalso a discussion of “appropriate” foods which may…

Children, Parents and Food

Leann L. Birch

Examines aspects of the child′s early experience with food andeating in order to reveal how these experiences shape children′s foodacceptance patterns. The transition from…

Meals, Mood and Mental Performance

Andrew P. Smith

Argues that consumption of lunch frequently leads to a drop inalertness and reduced ability to perform tasks involving sustainedattention, with corresponding shifts in mood. These…

Satisfaction of Hunger and Thirst by Foods and Drinks

Stephen J. French, Nicholas W. Read, David A. Booth, Susan Arkley

Eating and drinking temporarily suppress the desire to eat and/orthe desire to drink. These satiating effects are learned responses tocomplex patterns of stimulation from…

Understanding Determinants of Food Choice: Contributions from Attitude Research

Mark T. Conner

Argues that the determinants of food choice are many and varied butall mediated by the individual′s thought processes: perceptual affectiveand behaviour‐deciding. Models of these…


The Influence of Cognitive Style on Consumers′ Variety Seeking among Food Innovations

Gordon R. Foxall

Recent research has shown that personality traits such as sensationseeking, and product‐induced effects such as evocation of involvement,influence variety seeking by food…

Bases of a Cognitive Technology for Food Quality

R.P.J. Freeman, N.J. Richardson, M.S. Kendal‐Reed, D.A. Booth

Cognitive technology provides a response‐sensitivity metric forinteractions between major influences on a response by an individualconsumer. There is no restriction on the types…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris