British Food Journal: Volume 95 Issue 7


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Human Issues Affect the Dynamics of Change in the East European Agrifood Sector

John Jones

While considerable advances have been made in foodsupply in many Central and East European countries,many mistakes have also been made – mistakes of thehuman kind. These errors…

Agriculture and Food Policy in Countries in Transition to a Market Economy

Nick Young

Discusses how the rejection of Communist principles for aframework of market‐based economies in many formerEastern bloc countries has had a profound effect on thefood chain. The…

Improving Vegetable Production in Ukraine

David Corbett

The Ukraine Vegetable Project is one of several BritishFood Consortium activities currently operating in the Kievregion of Ukraine. Describes how the UK team took overthe…

Food Distribution in Eastern Europe

Catherine Morton

The food distribution systems of East European countriesare at different stages of development. Hungary′s foodprocessing sector remains in a relatively poor state, butthere is a…

The Future for Fruit and Vegetable Distribution in Russia

Stephen Jones

The fruit and vegetable sector in Russia requires acompletely remodelled distribution system. The traditionalsupply structure consists of a multi‐layered productionbase with…

The Development of Poland’s Food Marketing System

Catherine Morton

The food chain systems in many East European countriesare developing rapidly. In Poland clear sectors areemerging as the driving forces within the food supplychain. Reviews how in…

Consumer Research: Necessity or Luxury in Eastern Europe?

Howard Biggs

In Western Europe extensive use of sophisticated market research asmeasured against the financial implications of even small changes inmarket share still means that the cost of…

Hungarian and Bulgarian Wine Prospects in the UK Market

Graham Brookes

The fundamental political and economic reforms taking place inEastern and Central Europe pose some difficult questions for thefuture of the agri‐food industries in Hungary and…

The Implications of EC Enlargement for the EC Food Industry

Laura Verhoeven

Future enlargement of the EC to include Central and EasternEuropean countries (CEECs) will have implications for the EC foodindustry. In the short to medium term, the food…

How Can East European Food Industries Learn from Those in the West?

Ian Lyle

Should the former Soviet bloc countries look to Western foodindustries in their efforts to supply adequate food and offer choice?Three groups of consumer are emerging with widely…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris