British Food Journal: Volume 95 Issue 3


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Healthy and Light Foods: Understanding the Consumer

Mike J. Bartlam

Describes recent research on consumer behaviour and buying patternsand health. Suggests that health awareness has increased, that healthissues are of growing concern, and that…

Evaluating Cook‐Chill

Susan Hyde, Susie Green

Evaluation in the new cost‐and quality‐conscious health service isall the rage, though a heavy workload and an ever‐changing localsituation can make the reality of conducting this…

Contamination of Food

David C.E. Roberts

Identifies the specific laws which operate to prevent contaminationof food in the United Kingdom and the duties of local authority foodenforcement officers, the Ministry of…

Health Claims on Food Supplement Labels

Ray Rice

Suggests that the laws governing the labelling of foods andmedicine are quite complex, and especially so in the case of foodsupplements, such as vitamin C tablets, or fish oil…

Food Poisoning: The Rise Continues

R.W. Lacey

Food‐borne infections due to campylobacter, shigella, salmonellaand E. coli 0157 have shown a real increase three to four fold.Argues that between the mid‐1980s and 1992 the…

Food Retailers: Stuck in the Middle?

Marie McHugh, Kate Greenan, Barry O′Rourke

As the twenty‐first century beckons, the competitive terrain of theUK food retailing industry is set to change. A host of forces signal theneed for food retailers to embark on…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris