British Food Journal: Volume 95 Issue 10
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
The Strathclyde University Food Project: Marketing, Relationships and Structures
Susan A. Shaw, Sara CarterThe first of a series of articles explaining the objectives,methods and progress of the Strathclyde University Food Project –a British food industry initiative which has as its…
The UK Tomato Industry: Market Intelligence and Producer Co‐ordination
Susan A. Shaw, Neil Harris, Sara CarterDescribes the state of the UK tomato sector which is facing fallingreal price levels and low profitability in a situation of generalovercapacity in the EC tomato industry and…
Opportunities and Change in the British Strawberry Industry
Sara Carter, Susan A. Shaw, Neil HarrisDescribes the changes which have taken place in the UK strawberrymarket in recent years and presents an outline of the opportunities forBritish producers identified by the Soft…
The UK Apple Industry: Production, Markets and the Role of Differentiation
Sara Carter, Susan A. ShawDescribes a number of serious challenges facing the British appleindustry. Concludes that the way forward lies in moving away fromcompetition in commodity markets by…
The British Vegetable Industry: Changing Marketing and the Role of Market Intelligence
Sara Carter, Susan A. ShawPresents an analysis of the domestic market for field vegetablesand comments on the nature of the market changes and the role of marketintelligence. Concludes with a discussion of…
The UK Bacon Deficit: Cause, Potential and Success Factors
Susan A. Shaw, Neil HarrisBritain is substantially less‐sufficient in bacon production thanother European competitors, especially Denmark and The Netherlands,although in recent years the competitive…
The Development of Opportunities for Regional Food Suppliers
Sara Carter, Susan A. ShawMarket trends have offered an incentive to retailers todifferentiate product assortments by region, whilst new developments inpurchasing technology have enabled retail buyers to…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris