British Food Journal: Volume 94 Issue 6
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
The Carrageenan Connection II: Political Interventions Failed to Undermine EC Food Safety Decisions
D.M.W. AndersonInformation now available indicates that the intensive diplomaticlobbying in Europe in 1991 by Philippine interests failed to convincethe European regulatory authorities to…
International Competitiveness: British Food Industry Post‐1992
Keith E. ThompsonBritish food manufacturers are generally larger and more profitablethan their EC competitors, while British supermarkets are so successfulthat they are widely considered to be in…
Patterns of Innovation and Development in the Food Chain
Tom CannonExplores the impact of new market conditions, technological changeand innovation on the nature and evolution of food markets. Analyses thecurrent environment and highlights some…
Health/Healthy Food: Is There a Difference?
Jan DarrallComparisons are made of the definitions of health/healthy foods inthe literature, and those of 683 farmers, companies and multipleretailers researched by questionnaire survey…
The Great British Potato: A Study of Consumer Demand, Attitudes and Perceptions
Andrew FearneOutlines the factors affecting food choice. Analysis of NationalFood Survey data illustrates the importance of non‐economic factorsaffecting the demand for potatoes and potato…
Is the 1987 Consumer Protection Act Doing its Job to Counter Corporate Interests and Protect the Public?
Ted WillhoftA recent case of a criminal prosecution using the 1987 ConsumerProtection Act Part 2 was applied to the serious eye injury of ateenager resulting from the explosive separation of…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris