British Food Journal: Volume 94 Issue 5
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
The Future of the Dairy Industry in the UK: A Reply to the Sector Report Published by Food from Britain
John JonesThe UK dairy industry is seriously under threat from imports andalready contributes significantly to the country′s food trade deficit.“Food from Britain” blames this shortfall on…
The Changing Structure of Retailing: Consequent Impact on Players in the Dairy Industry
Catherine SoleBuying power within the European food sector is becomingconcentrated within the hands of a relatively few but highly powerfulretailing groups. This industry restructuring will…
Political Policy, Legislation and Business Strategy: Opening or Closing Doors into the New Order?
Tony HoughtonUnderstanding the interrelationship between political policy andlegislation coming out of Brussels, now and in the future, is vital forany dairy company hoping to harness maximum…
The Future for Dairy Products in the Modified Foods Sector
Clare Grendale“Modified foods” were traditionally developed to beeaten by those who had special dietary requirements, usually for medicalreasons. Over the past five years an upsurge in consumer…
BST: Assessing Its Impact on Milk Consumption
Graham Brookes, Nick YoungThere are many examples of society benefiting from the adoption ofnew technologies. Today, a number of questions have been raised inrelation to new technologies, especially…
New Players in the European Dairy Industry: The Market for Branded Dairy Products
Catherine SoleThe current structure of the EC dairy industry will change over thenext ten years. The small number of extremely powerful internationalplayers who concentrate on high‐value…
Milk Quotas – Benefit or Constraint? Why a Common Agricultural Policy?
David CorbettThe Common Agricultural Policy has tried to address a host ofissues including security of food supply, stable prices for farmers andconsumers, preservation of the environment and…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris