British Food Journal: Volume 94 Issue 4
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
The Single European Market and the Quality of Dairy Products
H. GlaeserIn 1993, the Single European Market will become reality. Forconsumers and producers, economic advantages can be expected. However,concern has been expressed as to the possible…
The Response of the Food Chain to Healthy Eating
Jan DarrallHealthy eating has been at the forefront of media and medicalcircles in recent years. Discusses the awareness and response of thefood chain (multiple retailers, food companies and…
The Quality of Schoolchildren’s Packed Lunches
Denise Worsfold, Christopher GriffithReports the conduct of a survey of children′s packed lunches wherenutritional adequacy and consumer acceptability of the meals wasevaluated; and temperature history of the food…
Consumer Risk Perceptions in the Breakfast Cereal Market
V.W. Mitchell, Pari BoustaniThe idea that risk could be a motivating factor in consumers′choice of breakfast cereal seemed less than plausible on firstconsideration. However, reports an investigation of…
European Consultation on Dietary Supplements
Stephen J. FallowsIdentifies the products which may be considered as dietintegrators/dietary supplements. Outlines the complex issues which needto be considered before the EC can draw up a proposal…
“Healthier Eating” and the Effects on Health Food Retailing
Gary DaviesPresents a case history of a specialist health food retailer toillustrate the effect of the growth in interest during the 1980s inconsuming “healthier” products. Health food shops…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris