British Food Journal: Volume 94 Issue 3
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
Background to The Health of the Nation
John MiddletonExplains the background to the Green Paper, The Health of theNation, which was published in the middle of 1991 and has stimulatedmuch debate and discussion about future strategy…
The COMA Report: Dietary Reference Values for Food Energy and Nutrients for the United Kingdom
Martin WisemanExplains the contents of the COMA Report – COMA (Committee onMedical Aspects of Food Policy) has thoroughly evaluated therequirements for different nutrients. The term “dietary…
Food for the Heart: A Health Education Authority Healthy Eating Campaign
Jo PoppyDescribes the Food for the Heart campaign. The Health EducationAuthority is actively working with the food industry in order to promotehealthy eating with particular reference to…
Dietary Recommendations and the Public: The US Experience
Sushma PalmerDescribes how disease patterns in the USA have changed in recentyears and discusses the role of nutrition. From 1983 to 1989, the authorwas Director of the US National Academy of…
The COMA Report on Dietary Reference Values: The Food Manufacturers’ View
Bryan W. NicholsThe food manufacturers have examined the COMA Report on DietaryReference Values very carefully. Although they welcome the broad thrustof the recommendations, it is evident that…
Case Study: Slimcea Keep Fit Alternative to Cheddar
Howard NewmarchEfforts are being made by some sectors of the food industry todevelop new products, which will assist those who wish to implement thedietary recommendations. The case study…
The Contribution of Catering to the Diet
David Kirk, Lorna DalyIn recent years, there has been a gradual increase in theproportion of food which is eaten away from home. This is causingconcern because much of this food does not conform to the…
Healthy Eating: A Retail Perspective
Bill ShannonThe Co‐op has been providing safe, healthy food since it wasestablished in the last century. More recently, the organization hasbeen actively involved in promoting food safety. In…
The Fat Race
Robert B. NobleA review of current developments in the United States food marketsshows that health and convenience are the two major factors influencingconsumer choice of food. Consequently…
Healthy Eating in Catering: Issues and Initiatives
Anne SimpsonWith growing interest in healthy eating amongst consumers, caterersare responding. Examines a number of barriers which are beingencountered. These include the EC subsidies for…
Healthy Eating in the Public Sector
Chris BoneAn examination of how catering practices in the school mealsservice and the National Health Service have evolved, with particularreference to recent changes in administration. The…
Food Quality and Consumer Choice
J. Verner WheelockWithin any food product range, prices can vary quite widely. Thearticle takes the view that an individual consumer is prepared to pay apremium for what he/she regards as high…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris