British Food Journal: Volume 93 Issue 5


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

The Food Safety Act: A Question of Resources

David Roberts

The position, with respect to resources, of the Food Safety Act ishighlighted insofar as it relates to the statutory defences: extendedpowers for enforcement officers; statutory…

Umbrella and Pillar Branding: The Jacob′s Case Study

Nigel G. McCrea

A case study of how a major company decided to use one strong brandequity to unify its whole product portfolio is presented. Twoestablished brandnames (Jacob′s and Huntley &…

Food Shopping and Cooking Cycles: ″Time″ – A Critical Dimension

Marie McHugh, Kate Greenan, Christine Kerrigan, Stephen Wightman

Changes in female food shopping habits and in retailing locationshave prompted a major survey investigation of food shopping by membersof the University of Ulster. The survey…

Increasing the “Pulse” Rate: Opportunities for Product Development

Georgina Holt

Vegetarianism is currently receiving more attention from the foodindustry than ever before. The campaign initiated by the NACNE and COMAReports has created a new “health appeal”…

Initial Impact of the Food Safety Act

Verner Wheelock

The significant innovation introduced by the Food Safety Act 1990is the “due diligence” defence. This is discussed inconjunction with guidelines published by a consortium of…

Today’s Global Market for Spices: An Update

Hillary Box

An update of world trade in spices is given. The issues discussedinclude supply, quality, irradiation, increased Western consumption,organic spices, convenience foods, spices in…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris