British Food Journal: Volume 93 Issue 3


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Introduction: An Environmentally Friendly Policy for Retailing

Brian Beharrell

An introduction and review of food and packaging policies employedby retailers; and an objective evaluation of Gateway′s new approach. Thereview highlights key issues arising and…

Green Consumerism and the Supermarkets

Bryn Jones

Public concern over environmental issues such as ozone depletion,water pollution and the use of pesticides has translated into consumerreluctance to purchase certain products and…

Packaging: An Environmental Perspective

Bryn Jones

A study carried out by the Gateway supermarket chain and LandbankEnvironmental Consultancy partnership into environmental damage causedby the production, distribution and disposal…

Eco‐balances: The Migros Model

Bryn Jones

Switzerland′s largest retailer′s environmental programme to reducethe environmental burden of packaging is outlined. It is based on asystem of eco‐balances – analyses from a…

Saving Energy in Packaging

Gary Parker

The production, distribution and disposal of packaging materialsconsumes vast amounts of energy. These costs are quantified and ways inwhich they can be reduced are described…

Life‐cycle Analysis: Polyvinyl Chloride Packaging

Belinda K. Howell

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in its many forms accounts for a largeproportion of plastics production and packaging in Western Europe. Itsapplications and fitness for purpose as a food…

Pesticides and the Campaign for their Reduction

Stephen R. Ridge

The use of pesticides in food production has caused concern amongmany consumers. The formation and aims of an organisation, the Councilfor the Reduction of Pesticides (CROP), to…

Packaging in an EC Context

Stephen R. Ridge

The introduction of EEC directives relating to packaging radicallychanges the way packaging will be controlled throughout the EEC.Migration testing is costly and difficult to…

Putting Something Back

Bryn Jones

Describes some elements of Gateway′s environmental policy: itscommitment to energy conservation and a programme of tree planting.Details the reasons for its programme of tree…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris