British Food Journal: Volume 93 Issue 1


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Microbial Food Poisoning: Problems and Solutions

Will M. Waites, Christine E.R. Dodd, Kathy J. Bolton

The problems produced by changes in agricultural and foodmanufacturing practices, which have resulted in increases in reportedcases of food‐borne illness, are discussed in…

Food Irradiation: The Crystal Ball Clears

David Kilcast

With the recent publication in the UK of draft legislationreferring to the introduction of food irradiation in 1991, the foodindustry, consumers and regulatory authorities have at…

″Natural″: A Trading Standards Viewpoint

David C.E. Roberts

The use of the word “natural” in food labelling isdiscussed. It is probable that legislation, if it is introduced at all,may not be very helpful. But self‐regulation by food…

Food Safety Assurance: Revised Specification for Gum Arabic

Douglas Anderson

The objectives of specifications published by the Joint FAO/WHOExpert Committee on Food Additives are examined, and an explanation isgiven of the justification for a recent…

1992 and All That!

David C.E. Roberts

The Food Safety Act in the UK will have dramatic effects on thefood industry, but it will appear insignificant against the effects ofthe Single European Market. The laws that…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris