British Food Journal: Volume 92 Issue 4
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
Judith L. KinderlererThe use of legislation, scientific knowledge and education incontrolling the proliferation of pathogenic organisms in food have beendiscussed. The need for refrigerants such as…
J.C.M. SharpDuring and immediately after the Second World War salmonellosisfirst emerged as a public health problem in Britain, having beenintroduced primarily via contaminated batches of…
The Prevention of Foodborne Listeriosis
Barbara M. LundListeriosis in animals and humans has been known for over 60 years.Outbreaks in humans have been reported since 1951 but the importance offoodborne transmission has only been…
Food Poisoning: Tracing the Source of Outbreaks
John M. CowdenThe role and methods of descriptive and analytical epidemiology inthe investigation of outbreaks of foodborne disease are described. Therelationship between epidemiological and…
New Rapid Detection Methods for Salmonella and Listeria
Adrian EleyWe are now very much aware of the hazards associated withsalmonella and listeria in foodstuffs. Newer methodologies are comparedwith conventional techniques for their rapid…
Food Poisoning Salmonellas in the Poultry‐meat Industry
Geoffrey C. MeadPoultry meat is a significant source of food poisoning throughoutmost of the developed world. In England and Wales it has been regularlyimplicated in human salmonellosis, and…
Cook‐Chill in Perspective
Peter J. WilkinsonThe technological developments in mass catering need to remainunder close microbiological and epidemiological scrutiny. There is,however, no evidence at present to suggest that…
Maintaining Food Safety: The Use of Cryogenic Refrigeration
Richard LeesonThe reason for the focus of new legislation on temperature controlis considered. The different methods of refrigeration – cryogenicand mechanical – are described, with their…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris